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Fun, Fit,

& Fabulous

5 Tips for a balanced lifestyle

Life is a balancing act. We are constantly juggling schedules, responsibilities, and to-do lists, while trying to find time to workout, relax, and be with family. In the midst of all of this craziness, I would like to submit some tips to help us all achieve a more balanced lifestyle.

1) Take time to breathe. Have you ever taken a really deep breath and then promptly been overwhelmed by the rush of oxygen to your brain?... Most of us don't breathe deeply enough. It goes without saying that oxygen is important. So take a couple of slow deep breaths whenever you find yourself stressing out, and see if this helps to improve the situation.

2) Disconnect. I know. This one is almost laughable considering that I am writing a blog post. But I believe that it is crucial for us to disconnect from media from time to time. Turn off your phone for an hour. Take a fast from Facebook. Turn off the TV. Instead, spend some time reading a book or simply meditating in the silence. It is good to let our brains rest from the constant stimulation of our glowing screens...

3) Trim the unecessary. If every hour of your life is booked with an activity (or your kid's activities) you will never achieve balance. Say no to everything that is either not essential or doesn’t add something valuable to your life. Be ruthless!

4) Listen to your body. Are you feeling sluggish and lethargic? Are you getting headaches? Do you have cravings for sugar/salt? These are all signs that something is out of alignment with your body. Be sure to get plenty of sleep each night. Drink plenty of water. Eat your fruits and vegetables! Limit your alcohol intake. These are all steps that will get your body on the right road to recovery.

5) Eliminate toxins. And I am not just talking about harsh chemicals found in many of our products today. I am talking about any negative influence in your life. People can be toxic as well. Be sure to pour into relationships that will encourage you and support you, not tear you down.

There are many other ways to help balance your life and these just scratch the surface. I would like to add one last one "for free." Remember to laugh. Laughter truly is the best medicine. It decreases the amount of stress hormones (like cortisol) and increases hormones like endorphins. It also increases the number of antibody-producing cells we have working for us, and enhances the effectiveness of T cells. Never underestimate the power of laughter!

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