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Fun, Fit,

& Fabulous

5 Tips to Push Through Your Toughest Workout

It would seem that I am on a tip writing kick. ;)

But we all have that one workout. You know the one. The one you dread every week. For me that is my 21 Day Fix Extreme Cardio Fix. It is so challenging!

So whether it's a long run or simply finding motivation to work out at all, here are 5 tips for getting through your toughest workout:

1) Mentally Prepare: You can do this by listening to some music that pumps you up or simply repeating positive phrases to yourself like "You are going to rock this!" Or "you can do it!"

2) Find a Workout Buddy. It helps to push through when someone is with you. Plus it might bring out your competitive nature! wink emoticon

3) Get into a Routine. Nothing is more powerful than routine. In fact we center our whole days around routines like EATING and brushing our teeth.

4) Remember your "Why." Why did you start this? Do you want abs for the first time in your life? Do you want to slim down? Visualize this in your head and every time you are tempted to quit during the workout, call these images to mind.

5) Have fun! Don't take it too seriously. Working out should be fun. Remember that the ability to workout is a privilege! Never take this for granted. Smile. Laugh at yourself when you can't accomplish a move and then move on. You will get there one day. It's baby steps that done consistently over time that will yield a compound effect!!

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