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Fun, Fit,

& Fabulous

A Greener Way to Clean

Did you know that cleaning your house can do more harm than good? While your house may be gleaming by the time you are finished, you may have also just wreaked havoc on your health and the health of those dearest to you… Stay tuned for recipes to make your own cleaning products!

According the EWG (the Environmental Working Group) “Government agencies and independent research institutions have not adequately evaluated the safety of numerous substances found in cleaning products” (Cleaning Supplies and Your Health, See the article here.

Altogether, EWG has investigated more than 2,000 cleaning supplies on the American market, and they have discovered that many contain substances that are linked to serious health problems such as asthma, birth defects, hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, and even cancer. For example:

“Fumes from some cleaning products may induce asthma in otherwise healthy individuals. A large and growing body of evidence links frequent use of many ordinary cleaning supplies at home or on the job with development of asthma and other respiratory problems. It is already known that cleaning product fumes may trigger attacks in persons previously diagnosed with asthma.

"Common cleaning ingredients can be laced with the carcinogenic impurity 1,4-dioxane. Independent tests have detected the presence of 1,4-dioxane in numerous name-brand cleaning supplies. Other products contain preservatives that release low levels of cancer-causing formaldehyde.

"Children born to women who held cleaning jobs while pregnant have an elevated risk of birth defects, according to a 2010 study by the New York State Department of Health.

Some cleaners can cause chemical burns and poisonings as well as less severe irritations and allergies. Severe physical reactions signal that consumers should take care anytime they use these products” (Cleaning Supplies and Your Health,

So what is a person to do????

I have been making my own toxic-free cleaning products for over three years now, and I will never go back to store bought products ever again. For one thing, you will save tons of money, and for another you don’t have to worry about exposing your family and pets to harmful substances. Here are some of my favorite concoctions.


Be sure to use a high quality essential oil for maximum antibacterial qualities. I use DoTerra essential oils exclusively. DoTerra's quality control standards are much higher than any other brand on the market and their purity standards are unmatched. This is why I only buy from DoTerra. If you are interested, you can buy them from my own personal, trusted DoTerra representative. Use the form on my welcome page to contact me, and I will be in touch!

All Purpose Cleaner

Mix in Spray Bottle:

3 tbsp Vinegar

1/2 tsp Washing Soda (can be purchased on the laundry detergent aisle in your grocery store)

1/2 tsp Castile Soap (like Dr. Bronner's)

2 cups Hot Water

15 drops Lemon Essential Oil (lemon oil is great for cutting grease and it also smells fantastic!)

15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (Lavender has antimicrobial qualities. Also aids in relaxation!)

Glass Cleaner

Mix in Spray Bottle:

1 cup Water

1 cup Vinegar

1 tsp Castile Soap

8 drops Essential Oil of choice

Anti-Bacterial Spray

Mix in Spray Bottle:

2-3 cups Water

15 drops Lavender Essential Oil

15 drops Tea Tree (also known as Melaleuca) Essential Oil (Tea Tree also has antimicrobial qualities)

Tub Cleaner

Mix in Jar:

2/3 cup Baking Soda

1/2 cup Castile Soap

2 tbsp Vinegar

1/2 cup Water

5-8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil

3-5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

No recipe here. I just sprinkle baking soda into my bowl and then mist with white vinegar until the baking soda begins to foam. Drop in about 5 drops of lemon essential oil (or other oil of choice) and let sit for at least 5 minutes. I often do this first thing when I begin to clean my bathroom and let it sit until I am done. Scrub with a toilet brush and your toilet will be gleaming white!

Carpet Stain Remover

Soak area of stain with hydrogen peroxide. Let sit for 5 minutes. Soak up HP with clean white cloth. You will see the stain lift before your very eyes! Repeat as necessary until stain is gone.

Room Freshener

Poke holes in the lid of a mason jar. Then add 1/2 cup of baking soda and several drops of your favorite essential oil/s (lemon is great!). Simply swirl the contents around inside the container when freshening is required and the scent will fill the room. You can also sprinkle this on carpet or a couch/chair. Let it sit for 15-30 minutes then vacuum it up. I also use this in cupboards and in my refrigerator to soak up odors.

Laundry Detergent

1 bar Fels-Naptha bar soap (I had to go to a local hardware store to find this)

1 cup Borax (found this at my grocery store)

1 cup Washing Soda

1/4 cup Baking Soda

Grate the Fels-Naptha bar and then pulse in a food processor. This will give you a concoction resembling corn meal. Add this and all other ingredients to a tub and mix together. Use 2 Tbs of detergent per load.

Fabric Softener

For regular loads I use ¼ cup of white vinegar poured into the fabric softener dispenser at the beginning of the wash cycle. For large loads I use ½ cup of vinegar. If you would like, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oils of your choice.

Bonus tips: I use microfiber clothes to clean or old t-shirts that I have cut up. I simply wash them after using, and I reuse them until I deem them unusable. I have a Swiffer mop, but instead of using the chemical laden mopping pads, I just use the All Purpose Cleaner, spray it on the floor, and then mop it up with a microfiber cloth attached to my Swiffer mop. It’s so quick and easy!


I'm no doctor or expert, so please PLEASE consult a physician if you have medical issues that may be irritated by any of these cleaning solutions.

Happy cleaning!

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